• Dominic, Zoe and John Selwyn Gilbert (1971) Frederick Ashton - A Choreographer and his Ballets, London: Harrap
• Macaulay, Alastair (1987) Some Views and Reviews of Ashton's Choreography, Guildford: National Resource Centre for Dance
• Jordan, Stephanie and Andree Grau, eds. (1996) Following Sir Fred's Steps: Ashton's Legacy, London: Dance Books, 138-146
• Kavanagh, Julie (1996) Secret Muses: The Life of Frederick Ashton, London: Faber and Faber
• Vaughan, David, (1999) Frederick Ashton and His Ballets, London: Dance Books
• Jordan, Stephanie (2000) Moving Music, London: Dance Books
• Henze, Hans Werner (2003) Ondine Diary of a Ballet, trans. Daniel Pashley, London: Dance Books
• Jordan, Stephanie (2007) Stravinsky Dances: Re-Visions Across A Century, Alton: Dance Books
• Morris, Geraldine (2012) Frederick Ashton's Ballets: Style, Performance, Choreography, Alton: Dance Books

Marguerite and Armand
Tamara Rojo and Sergei Polunin
© ROH/ Tristram Kenton
• Ashton, Frederick (1951/1992) 'Some Notes on Choreography', in Sorell, Walter, ed. The Dance Has Many Faces, Chicago: Capella Books, 31-34
- (1954) Marie Rambert: 'A Tribute from Frederick Ashton', The Dancing Times, no. 412, January, 151
- (1958) 'The Subject Matter of Ballet: A Symposium', in Haskell, Arnold, ed. The Ballet Annual 1959, London: Adam and Charles Black, 38-39- (1960)
- 'My Conception of La Fille mal gardée' in Ivor Guest, ed. Famous Ballets 1 La Fille mal gardée, London: Dancing Times ltd.
- in Crisp, Clement in Cohen (1974) 'Frederick Ashton: A Conversation', in Cohen, Selma Jeanne, ed. Dance as a Theatre Art, London: Dance Books, 169-173
- (1976) 'From Sir Frederick Ashton', in Crisp, Clement, Anya Sainsbury and Peter Williams, eds. Ballet Rambert: 50 Years and On, London: Scolar Press, 34
• Barnes, Clive (1961) Frederick Ashton and his Ballets, in Dance Perspectives, no.1, New York, Winter
• Beaumont, Cyril (1949) 'Ashton's "Cinderella"', Ballet, 7, no.2, 6-26
• Buckle, Richard (1947) '"Abstract" Ballet', Ballet, 4, no.5, November, 20-24
• Denby, Edwin (1949) 'Ashton's "Cinderella"', Ballet, 7, no.2, 27-33
• Doob, Penelope (1978) 'A Conversation with Sir Frederick Ashton', York Dance Review, no.7, Spring, 16-25
• Jordan, Stephanie (1993) 'Ashton and The Sleeping Beauty', Dance Now, 2, no.2, Summer, 43-49
- Jordan, Stephanie (2015) 'Loving Pigeons', Royal Opera House programme booklet for The Two Pigeons, Nov 2015
• Macaulay, Alastair (1984) 'Ashton at Eighty', Dance Theatre Journal, 2 no.3, Autumn, 2-7
• Morris, Geraldine (2001) 'Dance Partnerships: Ashton and his Dancers', Dance Research, 19, no. 1, 11-59
• Morris, Geraldine (2006) 'Ashton's Rite of Spring', Dance Research, 24, no. 1, 21-36
• Morris, Geraldine (2006) 'Ashton and MacMillan in Fairyland: Contrasting Styles In Le Baiser de la Fée', Dance Chronicle, 29, no.2, 133-160
• Morris, Geraldine (2008) 'Visionary Dances: Ashton's Ballets of the Second World War', Dance Research, 26, no.2, 168-188
• Seymour, Lynn (2002) 'The Isadora Dances of Sir Fred', Dancing Times, 93, no. 1106, October, 50, 51 and 53
• Somes, Michael (1961) 'Working with Frederick Ashton', in Haskell, Arnold, ed. The Ballet Annual, London: Adam and Charles Black, 50-54
• Volkova, Vera (1961) 'Frederick Ashton in Denmark', in Haskell, Arnold and Mary Clarke, eds. The Ballet Annual, no. 15, London: Adam and Charles Black, 56 and 59
• Wohlfahrt, Hans-Theodore (1996) 'Ashton's Last Interview', Dance Now, 5, no.1, Spring, 25-30
Dame Merle Park DBE, former Principal, The Royal Ballet:
"I loved working with Sir Fred. His innate musicality and the plastique movements he desired from a dancer were always a challenge but interesting and fun. He was adamant that choreographers should leave the audience wanting more - he was never afraid to cut - hence I can't think of any of his ballets that bore me."