The Frederick Ashton Foundation aims to realise its objectives through coordinating and encouraging the work of Associates working in a broad range of areas, including:
a) creating opportunities to identify and develop future Ashton repetiteurs to ensure the continuation of performances of Ashton's rich choreographic legacy around the world to the highest standard.
b) establishing an online Ashton Archive to include the filming of relevant work in the studio, master classes, and interviews with those who worked with Ashton; cataloguing film archive material in connection with Ashton and his work; and making the catalogue and as much of the original material as possible available to the dance sector and the wider public through the Archive.
c) writers and archivists carrying out research and publishing material in connection with Ashton and his work; cataloguing written and photographic material; and making the catalogue and as much of the original material as possible available to the dance sector and the wider public through the online Ashton Archive.
d) organising and arranging exhibitions, conferences, seminars, lectures and lecture demonstrations on Ashton and his work and other events promoting the Foundation's aims.

Tales of Beatrix Potter
The Fox and Jemima Puddleduck
© ROH/ Bill Cooper
Shadowing scheme.
Film programme.
Dame Monica Mason DBE, former Principal and Director, The Royal Ballet:
"I was not one of Frederick Ashton's favourite dancers - the beautiful lyrical aspects of his choreography were especially challenging for me. However, one day much to my surprise he told me how he admired my performance as The Chosen One in The Rite of Spring. I was thrilled. After he retired as Director of The Royal Ballet, I was more able to appreciate his considerable charm and great wit as well as the intriguing and fascinating man behind the genius."